Coming back soon!

Hello, my fellow Prancers! I want to deeply apologize once again for being gone so long. I have been busy catching up with schoolwork and even so I still feel behind. So much has happened these few weeks that I found myself at a couple of crossroads. I recently celebrated my birthday and it was an absolutely wonderful celebration. Nothing is better than family, cake, and having a great day of fun! Unfortunately, I had the misfortune to come upon some things in regards to friends…

I feel that I have grown more and that means I may be moving on from some of my friends that I have known for a while now. It is unfortunate, but that is the way life is and the way of growing up. These things happen, Prancers, it’s sad that it happens, but perhaps it is for a good reason. It may mean better things in the future and new friendships to be made. As the saying goes, “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.” I still have treasured friendships with a few close friends but I do need to start letting go of others and moving on. I cannot let myself get dragged down in their drama when I have my own life to gain in the future years.

I am still gradually moving on towards my goal of becoming a librarian even if it means leaving behind people I once knew and gaining more knowledge in the process. I will be able to get through this knowing that I have so much more I desperately want to share with you all and to get all this schoolwork done so that I can get back into doing art once again for Me-Dia Mondays. I want to draw so badly but classes are holding me back so much! Ugh! I am very thankful, however, to be able to learn more about the library system but I cannot wait to attend online classes at San Jose State University and start taking more appropriate courses aimed towards my main goal: to be a Youth Services Librarian.

Please be patient with me, Prancers, as I continue on with my journey and try to compile more lists of fantastic items and things to share with you all. If any of you want to see me do a specific review, please don’t hesitate to throw something out there for me. Just be sure that it is somewhat kid-friendly. I know a few of my reviews haven’t exactly been aimed towards kids but the older community; again, that’s how life goes. I have to cater towards both the younger and older demographics equally.

I wish you all a wonderful week and I hope to get back into my writing starting next week. Until then, have a wonderful rest of the day and keep prancing on!

– Adina Shannon ❤