A Determined Comeback


Good day to you all, my friends.

It has recently come to my attention that the world is becoming a very scary place and filled with more sadness, heartache, and hate by the day. I had the misfortune to come across a ‘poem’ on an art site that I am a part of called deviantART. The cruel and misguided person was using the subject of suicide as a vehicle to promote this horrible act upon readers. I will not go into too much detail because of the vulgar nature of his content but suffice to say that I was absolutely horrified to know that cruel and vicious people are still around, even on a website that promotes creativity and beauty like deviantART.

It wasn’t so much the content that made me disgusted but the person behind it. This young man has such hate in his heart that he shared a violent piece of work to encourage suicide to young people he thought were weak and that they should “put the barrel into [their] mouth” or “Hop in the tub and take a bath upstairs, surprise for ma and pa.” I will spare you from the rest of this horror since it makes me ill just thinking about it. He used far more obscene words that I will NOT be repeating for your sake. It still makes me furious to think about the filth he wrote. Nonetheless, I reported the deviation as a violation of the site’s Terms of Service and Etiquette Policy and hope that this monstrous person gets banned from the site for promoting hatred and even racism on his profile. In this day and age, we should not be subject to such malice and yet racism, violence, hate, and cruelty still abounds all over the world.

In other news, I learned about the loss of a great and talented man yesterday:

David Bowie.

I was heartbroken to learn about his passing and wish his family the best in their time of grieving. I still remember the very first song of his I heard that my dad shared with me: “Let’s Dance”. I had several of his albums and loved them all thoroughly. This will be a very dark day in music history. He was, indeed, his very own Space Oddity and he resides now among the stardust. He will be missed but his music will forever live on.

Alright, that’s enough being sad. I promise to get back to posting starting next week. I regret to inform you that I will no longer be posting my graphic novel and Me-Dia Mondays will simply be known as Media Mondays where I will share a new artist every week and maybe we can have an open discussion in the comments section about their work, why you like it, etc. Until then, this is Adina Shannon from The Prancing Poodle.